Gut-Havoc Rescue
• Glutagenics (Soothes heartburn and indigestion so quickly it will amaze you)
• Pan9X digestive enzymes (For bloating and gas that occurs after a meal. Take with a meal)
• Metagest (Extra stomach acid to help break down your proteins. Take with a meal. Avoid if you have an ulcer or Barretts esophagus)
• Takesumi Charcoal (Sucks up stuff. Great if you have food poisoning, too much alcohol or just over-indulged)
• UltraFlora Acute Care/ Intensive Care (To replenish good gut bacteria

“Oh No, Dr Stacey is out of town and I hurt” support
• Formula 303 (natural muscle relaxant)
• Meriva (all-over anti-inflammatory)
• Endura (relief for muscle cramping)
• Kaprex (joint pain relief)
College-level “Partied-too-much” support and rescue
• Advaclear (Best liver support. Your liver is a detox organ and you have just maxed out its toxin–filtering ability)
• Glutaclear (Helps you make your master antioxidant, glutathione, to keep you safe from errant cell damage)
• UltraClear Renew (Medical food detox program to get you back on track)
• Takesumi charcoal (To soak up all those toxins)
• Tran-Q (Quick panic relief)

Immunity Boosting
• D3 5000 with K2 (So important. Make sure your blood level is between 60-80
• Ultra Potent Vitamin C (Key immunity nutrient but also for healthy skin and so much more)
• Zinc AG (Key immunity nutrient. Especially for mucus membranes like sinuses, nose and throat health)
• Myco-Immune (Powerful immune support if stressed out or exposed to someone with any cooties)
• Colloidal Silver sinus spray (kills bad bugs. Sinus issues or traveling on an airplane.
• UltraFlora IB (To get your microbiome in check)
Parents back-to-school stress support
• MethylCare (B complex which is essential for stress management)
• Ashwaganda (an adaptogen which means it adapts to what you need. It gives you energy when you are dragging and helps you chill when you are on-edge)
• Anxie-T (When you are anxious and freaking out on the daily)
• Serosyn (helps lift your spirits. Do not take if you are on an anti-depressant)
• Tran-Q (Quick panic relief)

“Flying-my-a**-out-of-here” support
• Grapefruit seed extract (Best preventative for Montezuma’s Revenge)
• Cofix (For going up and coming down on air flights or around people with cooties)
• Myco-immune (Powerful immune support if stressed out or exposed to someone with any cooties)
• Paradex (Anti-parasitic for that bad sushi)
“Need-to-fit-back-in-my-jeans” support
• UltraFlora Control (microbiome support to control cravings)
• Glutagenics or Gymnema (for sugar cravings)
• Perfect Protein Powder (High protein, low carb…when you are making poor food choices but still want deliciousness. Use Ultraclear Replenish if Gut Issues…also delicious)
-Ask about our 10-Day Cleanse and 6-Week Program
-Buy The Supercharged Method on Amazon

“Just-the-Facts-Ma’am” basic support
•-EPA-DHA 720 Omega 3 Oils
-UltraFlora Balance Probiotic
-MethylCare B-Complex
-Endura Electrolyte and Minerals
-Vitamin D3 5000 with K2
-Rewind Greens