What Is The Supercharged Method?

WHAT IS The Supercharged Method? The Supercharged Method is five simple steps to gain energy, clarity, and focus.    Step 1: Prepare your home by removing energy-robbing and inflammatory foods and restocking your kitchen with energy-boosting and anti-inflammatory foods.  Step 2: Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily.  Step 3: Get seven to nine hours of good sleep each night.  Step 4: Eat one serving of protein and two servings of non-starchy vegetables every three to four … Continued

Success with a Picky Eater

We had a “picky eater” breakthrough in our house today! You should first know the backstory. One of my sons was born with my addiction to carbs. He was even nick-named “Noodles”. As hard as I tried to feed him the foods I knew were nutrient-dense, he rebelled. He was the ultimate picky eater. We’ve come a long way. Some of the more successful things we did was identify the healthy foods that he did like and focused on those, … Continued