Just Let Them Be “Normal” Kids

The Time Is Now! If you are thinking about having kids or your kids are under the age of 4 you are at an opportune time to make your life and your kids life significantly better. I have had quite a few pregnant patients lately. They are coming in for a variety of reasons but on their first visit I always give them a gift for the future. The gift I give them is a book called Super Nutrition for … Continued

Chiro Kids Rock!

I love all my patients but the kids I love the most. Especially the ones that have learned to go to their parents to request my services. I have a high level high school diver. He came in with back pain between his shoulder blades. When I muscle tested him we were clearly able to see that his back muscles pulled his spine out of alignment. He felt much better after his adjustment and when his back feels better and … Continued

2 Tips for a Healthy Mental State for Kids

I just watched the movie Screenagers: The Next Chapter. It was good, I’d recommend it. It’s about the effects of screen time. The film included other information as well and I want to share that with you. Kids need 9-10 hours of sleep I know that that seems like a lot of sleep but that is when the body rests and repairs. For younger kids, a bedtime of 7, 8 or 9 is reasonable. But try to get a teenager … Continued

Success with a Picky Eater

We had a “picky eater” breakthrough in our house today! You should first know the backstory. One of my sons was born with my addiction to carbs. He was even nick-named “Noodles”. As hard as I tried to feed him the foods I knew were nutrient-dense, he rebelled. He was the ultimate picky eater. We’ve come a long way. Some of the more successful things we did was identify the healthy foods that he did like and focused on those, … Continued