Energy Zaps, Freak Outs and Befuddled Brains

Are you dealing with Energy Zaps that leaves you so tired your head hits the desk at 3pm? Do you have moments where your anxiety gets the best of you and inside you are having a freak out? Are you having trouble concentrating and focusing because of your befuddled brain? Watch the video below that I recorded for the Kiwanis Club of Troy Youth Mental Health and Wellness Fair. Then create your own customized menu for better energy, clarity and … Continued

What Is The Supercharged Method?

WHAT IS The Supercharged Method? The Supercharged Method is five simple steps to gain energy, clarity, and focus.    Step 1: Prepare your home by removing energy-robbing and inflammatory foods and restocking your kitchen with energy-boosting and anti-inflammatory foods.  Step 2: Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily.  Step 3: Get seven to nine hours of good sleep each night.  Step 4: Eat one serving of protein and two servings of non-starchy vegetables every three to four … Continued

2 Steps to a Happier You (or how to let go of that sh**)

Here is a technique that can bring you peace, calm, happiness, better health, and a happier you. When you are sad, angry, frustrated, disappointed your stress level goes up. When your stress level goes up your immune system goes down. When your immune system goes down you get sick. Let’s change all this from the start with a technique I use to clear emotions that can get you down. The Almond in the Brain There is a little bundle of … Continued

Important Tips on Taking B Vitamins

B vitamins are great for many things but be careful when you take them. Each B vitamin has its own benefits but today we are talking about the complex of B vitamins. Whenever you take an individual B vitamin be sure to take a complex as well to keep them balanced. My two favorite B-complexes are Methylcare by Metagenics and Basic B-Complex by Thorne Research. You can find them both through our website. Remember to come in to be muscle … Continued