Holiday Happenings

Happy Holiday Season!

In this post you will find:

  • A workshop that puts PEP in your STEP
  • A bundle of immune boosting superheros
  • A delicious cup of hot spiciness

Feeling a bit pooped? No get up and go? Join us for a fun and interactive workshop that will give you the tools to spring into action. You will meet fitness coach Brian Boettcher who will teach us movements to fight fatigue. You will also meet Dr Julie Kwon Evans who stands for patient advocacy, is a master massage therapist and will teach us how to harness our emotional wellbeing.

In addition to all that, I will teach you what to look for if you are tired and not finding answers or would just like an increase in energy. We will review your bloodwork, if you have it, and put together your very own customized meal plan that will make you feel like you can conquer the world.

Bring your most recent bloodwork if you have it. Don’t worry if you don’t, the information will be available the next time you get it taken.


We are also rolling out our immune bundle. It has everything you need to help prevent the yak, hack and snort that comes with this season. Remember your immunity plummets with excess sugar, processed foods, vegetable oils and stress. So think happy thoughts and eat plenty of protein and veggies this holiday season.

It’s a big one so come in for an appointment to get muscle tested for what is right for you.

One more thing before you go… with Thanksgiving in a few short weeks, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you. You trust me with your health and the health of your loved ones and I strive to continue earning that trust. You are an amazing wonderful being and I am so grateful to have you in my life.

Enjoy the sweetness of the season with our latest recipe.

Happy Holidays!

Dr Stacey

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