Energy Zaps, Freak Outs and Befuddled Brains

Are you dealing with Energy Zaps that leaves you so tired your head hits the desk at 3pm? Do you have moments where your anxiety gets the best of you and inside you are having a freak out? Are you having trouble concentrating and focusing because of your befuddled brain? Watch the video below that I recorded for the Kiwanis Club of Troy Youth Mental Health and Wellness Fair. Then create your own customized menu for better energy, clarity and … Continued

What Is The Supercharged Method?

WHAT IS The Supercharged Method? The Supercharged Method is five simple steps to gain energy, clarity, and focus.    Step 1: Prepare your home by removing energy-robbing and inflammatory foods and restocking your kitchen with energy-boosting and anti-inflammatory foods.  Step 2: Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily.  Step 3: Get seven to nine hours of good sleep each night.  Step 4: Eat one serving of protein and two servings of non-starchy vegetables every three to four … Continued

4 Ways to Get More Zzz’s

Get Better Sleep You may think you have tried it all but here are 4 things to consider when you are struggling with getting better or more sleep. If you are struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep I want you to first do an inventory of all the reasons you may not be getting good sleep. Make a list then correct them one at a time to be your own detective. Here are 4 ways that have shown to … Continued

Just Let Them Be “Normal” Kids

The Time Is Now! If you are thinking about having kids or your kids are under the age of 4 you are at an opportune time to make your life and your kids life significantly better. I have had quite a few pregnant patients lately. They are coming in for a variety of reasons but on their first visit I always give them a gift for the future. The gift I give them is a book called Super Nutrition for … Continued

Quick Fix Supplement Guide

Gut-Havoc Rescue • Glutagenics (Soothes heartburn and indigestion so quickly it will amaze you) • Pan9X digestive enzymes (For bloating and gas that occurs after a meal. Take with a meal) • Metagest (Extra stomach acid to help break down your proteins. Take with a meal. Avoid if you have an ulcer or Barretts esophagus) • Takesumi Charcoal (Sucks up stuff. Great if you have food poisoning, too much alcohol or just over-indulged) • UltraFlora Acute Care/ Intensive Care (To … Continued

Your Health Detective

If you had the answers you wouldn’t still be looking What will it take to find the health answers you are looking for? Are you struggling with… FATIGUE BRAIN FOG WEIGHT ISSUES HEADACHES SINUS PAIN AND CONGESTION BELLY ACHES REFLUX CONSTIPATION OR DIARRHEA MUSCLE ACHES JOINT PAIN Would you like to have more… ENERGY CLARITY FOCUS ATHLETIC CAPABILITY CONFIDENCE COMFORT IN YOUR BODY I bet you didn’t know all the services we offer If you are reading this we have … Continued

Smoky Tempeh and Cauliflower Stir Fry

What in the Blazes is Tempeh? Have you ever had tempeh? Have you ever heard of it? Last weekend I was with some of my favorite people in the world and one of them brought a dish made with tempeh. It was delicious and although I have had tempeh before, it had been a long time. She reminded me how versatile it is and when I got home, I tinkered with the recipe and wanted to share the end result with you. … Continued

The 80/20 Rule

Embrace the 80/20 Rule I am loving the heck out of summer in Michigan. The sun, the sand, the water and of course, the food. Are you enjoying the fresh fruit and vegetables? Have you tried the blueberries lately?! They are phenomenal! But I am also indulging in the occasional ice cream cone or popsicle. My fav is black cherry ice cream with chocolate pieces. It was my dad’s favorite too. What’s yours? The 80/20 rule is when you eat … Continued

My “BAD” cholesterol levels are high…What should I eat?

No “bad” cholesterol First off let’s clarify that there is no “bad” cholesterol. LDL cholesterol gets a bad rap when it becomes sticky from oxidation (diet, environment) and causes plaque to build up in the arteries. LDL cholesterol transports our sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) and our stress hormones so it is important to have healthy LDL levels in order to have a healthy sex drive and escape from danger. But some people have LDL levels that are elevated. This … Continued

The Supercharged Method by Dr. Stacey Francis

Join the 6-Week Supercharged Method LEARN MORE Are you looking to… Gain more energy Resolve brain fog Improve focus Lose stubborn weight Improve your health You are in the right place! Program includes: ✓ 7 Modules ✓ Weekly Zoom Calls ✓ Comprehensive Labwork ✓ Personalized Nutrition and Supplement Program ✓ Private Accountability and Support Group This is what clients say three months after starting The Supercharged Method: “I just wanted to let you know my doctor was very happy with … Continued