A Furry Remedy

Want to know what the latest studies show is the best gift to a loved one who has had a heart attack? A dog. These studies show that owning a dog decreases the risk of having a cardiovascular event and having better outcomes if there is an event. Other benefits of having a pet are… Decreased blood pressure Lowered cholesterol levels Improved triglyceride levels Decreased feelings of loneliness Increased opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities Increased opportunities for socialization Allergies … Continued

Charcuterie for Two or Twenty (No Matter Your Eating Style)

This Valentine’s Day make a picnic-like meal for you and the one, or ones, you love, even if that “one” is the wonderful you. I hate making decisions especially when it comes to making meals. I do love variety, samples, small plates, appetizers, pot lucks and the like. So when I discovered the snacking sensation of a charcuterie board, I basically found heaven. It’s fun to have a little bit of everything and that is what a charcuterie board provides. … Continued

Improve Your Memory

As we grow older we may come down with a condition called CRS, also called Can’t Remember Sh*t! Sometimes it’s due to hormonal changes or toxicity or nutrient depletion.  Today I want to share a study with you that gives great hope to those of us who suffer from CRS. Age-Associated Memory Impairment (AAMI) Age-Associated Memory Impairment is not Alzheimer’s Disease although it may develop into it. The criteria for this diagnosis are… Over the age of 50 Not demented … Continued

Prevent Colon Cancer Like Will Smith

Do you know what the actor, Will Smith, did? He got a colonoscopy. In doing so he was able to find out critical information that may change the course of his future. Let’s talk about colonoscopies, when and why you need one, how it works, risks and alternative options. Where is the Colon? When I think of colonoscopies I think of a universe-sized telescope looking into the future of our colon health. The colon is your large intestine, the tube … Continued

Prevent Your Brain from Shrinking

Alzheimer’s Disease is a debilitating condition that occurs when the neurons in the brain become unable to respond to insulin, the hormone used to control blood sugar.  These neurons are important for basic functions like memory and learning. This condition has recently been called Type 3 diabetes. Know your Blood Levels  One blood level marker used to measure blood sugar is called hemoglobin A1C. It is extremely useful in identifying what the average blood sugar level has been over the … Continued

New Year’s Anti-Resolution

Happy New Year!!! It is common to make resolutions for the new year. Things you’ve been wanting to do, think you should do, or have been told to do. Rarely do we do those things or stick to them. This year I vote for a New Year’s anti-resolution. Something Old That Worked What things have you consistently done in the last year that you are proud of, that made you happy or made you healthy? Since resolutions are thought of … Continued

Asian Immune-Boosting Soup

I’m Jewish. On Christmas, my family, and many other Jewish families, would indulge in Chinese food. We would have it other times as well but on Christmas it was special. We appreciated the owners of these restaurants since we didn’t have to brave the long lines at the grocery stores the days before Christmas to prepare meals or on the day of Christmas when they were the only places open. Easiest Soup Ever In honor of this wonderful culture, I … Continued

Vaping: 3 Important Facts You and Your Kids Should Know

Vaping is all the rage. It has been touted as safer than regular cigarettes but that just isn’t the case. Here is what you need to know: Vaping Causes EVALI EVALI is Electronic Cigarette (or vaping) Associated Lung Injury. 2,290 of EVALI have been reported in the United States and surrounding areas, with 47 deaths associated with this illness. Those suffering from EVALI can experience symptoms that look very much like the flu or other respiratory infections. Both flu, respiratory … Continued

If You Are On Depo-Provera…Protect Your Bones

New research shows that being on the birth control, Depo-Provera causes bone loss in most women especially if they’ve been on it for over two years. The longer you are on it the more bone you can lose. Read on to discover the hazards of bone loss and what you can do to prevent it. Bone Loss Hazards Bone loss, also called osteopenia or osteoporosis, if it’s severe, can wreak havoc on your health. Structural deterioration can occur causing the … Continued

Pumpkin Patch Soufflé

Fall was about 3 days long in Michigan this year. The classic food of fall is pumpkin. Pumpkin lattes, pumpkin bread and, of course, pumpkin pie. This pumpkin soufflé is a healthy, crustless pumpkin pie that my family loves so much we keep the ingredients on hand at all times. It’s super simple and you can add the sweetener of your choice. Pumpkin Powerhouse High in vitamin A. Vitamin A is great for your skin, eyes, teeth and immune system. … Continued