The Downside of Allergy Medication and Healthy Alternatives

Beware: Allergies Ahead If you live in Michigan there is a great possibility that you deal with seasonal allergies to the point that you use over-the-counter allergy medication. These medications come with a handful of side effects. One adverse effect may surprise you. There are many names and forms of over-the-counter seasonal allergy medication   A Patient’s Experience A patient brought to my attention a condition that, although not overly common, was concerning enough that I felt you all needed … Continued

Healthy Trader Joe’s Pairings

If you have been reading my posts you have come to realize that I love shopping at Trader Joe’s. I love the friendly staff in their tropical attire. The abundance of non-GMO choices of fruit and vegetables is appreciated. I love that they feed me samples (and not just the cold ones) and coffee. Most of all I love the healthy options. Don’t get me wrong, you can find plenty of unhealthy options and although delicious, I do not recommend … Continued

Spring Cleaning. It’s Time for the 10 Day Detox

Once we start shedding our winter attire we start visioning our summer bodies. The desserts of the holidays are long past. The new season is full of the promise of fresh fruits, vegetables, barbecue, and salads. Hopefully, a lot of salads. Detoxing is a way to be out with the old and in with the new. New foods, new clothes, and new healthy habits. Our 10-day detox and some personal, in-office guidance will help you get started.   You may be … Continued

Sickening Scents: And What To Use Instead

Some of us love to load on the scents while others of us are extremely sensitive to those scents. Whichever category you find yourself in, I want you to know which scents are safe and which are toxic to you and those around you. First off, I don’t care how expensive a perfume is or what celebrity is promoting it. Perfumes do not have to disclose their ingredients because they are proprietary formulas or “trade secrets” and that is just … Continued

Save Your Lungs: Cleaning Swaps for Bleach and Ammonia and More

I love a clean kitchen and bathroom but not at the expense of my health. Our ideas of clean have gotten a bit skewed. Our obsession with cleanliness has caused us to use cleaning products that are harmful to our bodies and the environment. A survey, out of the University of Bergen, of over 6,000 people over a twenty-year span found a clear correlation between cleaning products and respiratory illness, particularly for women. The lung damage caused was comparable to … Continued

Supercharge Your Water for Detox

The main purpose of a detox is to flush out toxins, improve liver and kidney function and avoid bringing in more toxins. This month is devoted to detox and Earth Day. What better way to start a detox than to increase your water intake. Increasing your water intake can: • Help you lose weight It can help keep your belly full so you don’t feel as hungry. In this article, it demonstrates that you burn calories to change the water … Continued

Secret Remedy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Back in my early days of practicing, my mentor and cousin, Dr. Robert Radtke, introduced me to Dr. Jonathan Wright and his books on healing with nutrition. One of the cases spoke of a connection between Vitamin B6 deficiency and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition where there is pain and weakness in the hand and wrist. Commonly thought to be an entrapment of the median nerve which runs through the wrist, the traditional … Continued

Emergency Care for Low Back Pain

Low back pain can hit at any age. When it does it’s hard to imagine that it will pass. If you have ever been into the office to see me for sudden severe low back pain then you have heard the following rules. I’m not strict about much but I am about this. I have found that these instructions give the most immediate relief. Chiropractic For the most part, I’m preaching to the choir here. If you are reading this … Continued

Genetic Secrets of the Heart

We are just discovering the treasure trove of genetic testing. There is still a lot to learn but what we have learned so far is fascinating. There are a handful of genetic tests that we run to give us insight into cardiac care. So if you have a family history of heart disease or diabetes or you have these conditions yourself, please consider running these tests. A variation or mutation of a gene is called a polymorphism. It can be … Continued

Is Coconut Oil Right For You?

Can coconut oil be good for your health? What if you have high cholesterol? Should you eat fats? These are the questions that are being asked, thanks to our realization that for 30 years the low fat, high carb diets we have been on have contributed to heart disease and diabetes. But is a high fat, low carb diet right for you? The answer is…that depends. It depends on how your particular body metabolizes fats. The only way to find … Continued