Increasing the Female Libido

“It’s all in your head” has never been truer than when it comes to the female libido. Although a woman’s headspace is imperative for desire and arousal there are also other contributions to the equation. If you haven’t read my last post on increasing the male libido, please do that. There is some overlap. Although like men, desire in women can appear out of nowhere at times causing women to seek out or initiate sexual activity, this is typically not … Continued

Dr. Stacey on Empower Radio

I had a great talk with Drew and John on their radio program about wellness in the workplace as it relates to nutrition, chiropractic kinesiology and health in general. We covered issues like sleep habits, balance, lab testing, and healthy food plans. You can catch it here.

Increasing The Male Libido

A loss of sex drive can be concerning for both men and women. In this post, we will cover the most common causes of low libido in men and what can be done (next post is devoted to increasing the female libido). Although it is natural for a man to have a gradual decrease in libido, this doesn’t typically happen until 60 or 70 years of age. Aside from aging, there are many reasons for this to occur. Depression “The … Continued

Fifty Shades of Midlife

I just saw Book Club, the movie. It’s about a group of mature women who chose Fifty Shades of Grey to be their book of the month. If you don’t know what Fifty Shades of Grey is by now, even if you haven’t read the books, you have probably been living in a closet. This month I want to talk about the effects on the body of a book like that. That means we are going to talk about libido. … Continued

Stop a Hashimoto’s Attack

Now that you know how to test thyroid function and autoimmune thyroid disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, let’s cover what we can do about it. When you have a High TSH and a Low T4 (or a low free T3) you see your MD or DO to get thyroid medication to correct for this imbalance. When you have high TPO or TG antibody levels you come see me or your favorite functional health practitioner. Identify and Remove Triggers Identifying and removing triggers … Continued

Hashimoto’s: The Most Common Cause of Hypothyroidism in the US

Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of hypothyroidism (low functioning thyroid) in the world. The autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States. Knowing this, don’t you agree that we should test for it? Wouldn’t you want to know if your symptoms of being tired, cold, and unable to lose weight are not just symptoms you are imagining? Nothing infuriates me more than a patient coming in with these symptoms having never … Continued

Tired, Cold, and Can’t Lose Weight

Are you tired, cold, and can’t lose weight? These symptoms together come through my office almost daily. The most common cause of these symptoms is a low functioning thyroid. Over the next few posts, we will talk about how the thyroid works, how to test it thoroughly and what options correct a low functioning thyroid. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ that resides in the front of the throat. It is the power plant that gets a message from … Continued

Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini and Brazil Nuts

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, to name just a few, are often avoided by hypothyroid and Hashimoto patients due to their thyroid suppressing effects but this only occurs if these vegetables are eaten raw. Cooking them decreases their goitrogenic effects. These are some of my favorite foods and since we need to avoid gluten and most grains while treating these conditions, roasting them is a healthy and recommended suggestion. This recipe is ridiculous in its simplicity and … Continued

Tweaking Keto To Work For You

Ketogenic Success Keto diets have shown to improve many conditions. I have had great success with prescribing a ketogenic diet. Especially for patients with migraines, closed head injuries and blood sugar or cholesterol imbalances. I recommend a plant heavy, healthy fat ketogenic diet. Whether you are following this kind of diet or contemplating it, here are some tweaks that can make your journey go smoothly. Avoid Toxins  Our bodies are brilliant. One way that the body shows it’s brilliance is … Continued

Why Do I Have High Blood Pressure And What Can I Do Naturally To Lower It?

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is so common many people consider it (like diabetes and heart disease) a right of passage. It is actually a sign that you need to investigate and not something to just throw a pill at because one pill ultimately leads to another. The force of the blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels, as your heart beats and blood is pushed through the circulatory system, is your blood pressure. It can be too … Continued