A Cause of Bloating

That feeling when you can barely button your pants. You feel like you look nine months pregnant. You are hungry but eating is uncomfortable. This is bloat. Your insides have blown up like a balloon. Bloating can be caused by many different conditions and situations. I want to share with you one of the causes of bloating that, when identified correctly, can be life-changing. A Plethora of  Causes Bloating can be caused by eating too fast or not chewing your … Continued

The Benefits of Donating Platelets

One of my best friend’s father just passed. He was an amazing man. His cancer was being controlled by chemotherapy drugs until a heart condition caused him to have to go off the life-sustaining meds. Have I said he was an amazing man? He was so amazing he and his wife raised a daughter who just recently donated bone marrow to her uncle. Yeah, that’s my friend, I pick them well don’t I?! This donation was at the time in honor … Continued

Italian Wedding Soup

The month of March gives us hope that spring is around the corner but if you are like us, and live in Michigan, it can still be wintery cold. This recipe is a favorite of my family and I make it almost every week in the wintertime. It is also an excellent soup to take to a potluck. It’s that good! Ancient History My favorite part about it is that it is chock full of oregano. Originally grown in Greece, … Continued

Pain on Sunday? I’ve got you covered.

“You have Sunday hours?! That is awesome!!!” I hear this all the time. Yes, I am available for appointments on Sundays from 9am to 2pm. In the beginning Back when I first started practicing I had to decide what days to be open. Mondays, Tuesdays, and even Wednesdays were a given, even though most chiropractors take Wednesday off (golf anyone?). Thursday seemed to be a good day to take off for a weekday and Friday was a good day to … Continued

3 Factors that Raise Cholesterol and it’s Not Eating Fat

Even after all this time, cholesterol still gets a bad rap. Cholesterol is necessary and when it is out of a healthy range it is an indicator. What it indicates may surprise you. Let’s review three reasons that your cholesterol may be high that does not include eating fat. HDL and LDL High-density lipoproteins have anti-inflammatory properties and can carry LDL cholesterol away from the blood vessels to the liver where it can be processed. LDL cholesterol is important because … Continued

Love on Valentine’s Day

Relationships are a funny thing. I’m talking friendships, as much as partner relationships. It always amazes me what we don’t know about our partners and friends. This Valentine’s day I challenge you to find out a little more about the people who are important to you. Here is a list of questions to ask that you might not know the answers to. Questions to ask When did you last cry? Why? What are the top 3 items on your bucket … Continued

Heart Healthy Crispy Wild-Caught Salmon

February is heart healthy month so lets talk about one of the best foods for your heart. Foods that contain heart healthy fats (Omega 3 fatty acids) is at the top of the list. Nuts, seeds, sardines, and salmon are my favorite choices. These healthy fats help to raise the protective high-density lipoproteins or HDLs in our blood. What are HDLs good for anyway? HDLs are good for transporting other fats like low-density lipoproteins or LDLs through the bloodstream to … Continued

Interview with Neurofeedback Specialist, Dr. Eric Mintz

I have known neurofeedback specialist, Dr. Eric Mintz, for over 20 years now and not only is he an exceptional doctor, but he is also one of my closest friends. I have witnessed the miracles that have occurred using neurofeedback under his care with patients suffering from ADD/ADHD, autism, and closed head injuries. For all these reasons and more I want to introduce you to him. Welcome, Dr. Eric. Dr. Eric, what drew you to neurofeedback? I learned about it … Continued

Flu-Fighter: Black Elderberry Syrup

Can you imagine getting through the flu in as little as two days? That is what one study showed when using 15 ml of black elderberry syrup four times a day. That is four days earlier than those who were on a placebo. If you have ever had the flu, you know that the symptoms make you absolutely miserable for about a week and then you are prone to lingering symptoms that can last for weeks or even months. Black … Continued

Avoid these poisonous antibiotics at all costs

Today a patient came in with a severe right and left hip pain after 5 days on the antibiotic Cipro. This is not uncommon. Let’s spend a minute going over the severe side effects of a group of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. What are Fluoroquinolones? Fluoroquinolones are a group of very strong antibiotics most commonly used for stubborn urinary tract infections, respiratory infections and other conditions such as diverticulitis. They are so strong they are only meant for conditions that do … Continued