consultationsUsing health assessment forms and lab tests, I can assist you in meeting your goals using phone and online consultations.

1. Evaluation & Assessment

Initial Consultations consist of a 30 minute phone evaluation and a full assessment of your nutritional status based on your symptoms, health goals, diet, lifestyle, and family history. This is ideal for those with challenging or chronic health ailments.


2. Meal Plan

A customized meal and supplement plan will be created for you after your phone evaluation and emailed to you in Word or PDF. It will have specific eating suggestions including snacks, beverages, & foods to avoid, as well as general nutritional guidelines.


3. Education

Also included is education on topics such as blood sugar, gut health, and brain chemistry. You will finish this consultation with a clear picture of what you should eat and lifestyle modifications for healing and optimal health.


4. Optional Lab Testing

Lab tests such as nutritional blood tests can be ordered for an additional cost to help assess your biochemical individualities and current nutritional needs. Labs that I run for my patients typically includes a detailed blood sugar panel, a detailed thyroid panel and inflammatory markers.


5. Goals

Meeting your goals is primary. We will make sure this is done in a way that implements the healthiest options.